July 08, 2021

31 day movie challenge for the summer months - Day 10


The Commitments. 1991. I was 12. My brother was 9. The film had a 15 cert but the cinema in Roscrea was very lax about applying the law. We settled in to watch this new Irish film everyone was raving about. 

"Hello Ronan."

It was my teacher Mr Cooley. He was in the row behind us. The film started and so did the bad language. I'd never heard this level of profanity before. It was fuckin' deadly. Ma didn't think so. She was mortified by the idea that she was a bad parent for exposing us to this appalling swearing. If it was at home it would have been grand but the fact that my teacher was behind us had her head on fire. With every fuck she sank lower and lower into her chair. By the time the film finished she was more or less under the carpet beneath the seats.

30 years later the thought of this still makes me laugh

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