August 12, 2019

The downside of bingewatching.

Glow Season 3 is back. Woohoo. One of Netflix's really good shows. They pump out a lot of stuff but barely any of it is as entertaining as this. The Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling. An hilarious drama packed full of heart and people getting their faces smushed off turnbuckles. The cast is second to none too and it's a show I couldn't wait to catch up on.

Only I could barely remember what happened in the last series. The recap at the start was alien. I recognised the characters but hardly any of the storyline. What the actual fuck is going on?

Oh yes. Like a lemon I watched all 8 episodes of it last year in one go. One solid lump on a weekend where the manflu had me in it's grip. Spoiler culture online has gotten so bad that the only way to avoid them is to watch the show before anyone can ruin it for you but doing it like this ruins it for you in another way.

When shows are on once a week you get to really love then. You spend the time in between ruminating on what you watched. You really fall for the characters. Cliffhanger endings actually mean something. Would shows like The Wire, Friends, ER and The Sopranos be as well loved if we hadn't been talking about them all week in work? I don't think so. Glow is good enough to survive the binge watch but most other Netflix shows aren't.

From now on I'm going to parcel out my watching. Really take my time and savour the goodness. At least that way i'll remember what I watched come season 4. Well hopefully. If this doesn't work I'm just going senile and this is all a moo point. Moo.

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