June 12, 2021

Rewatching an old fave.

I started a rewatch of Six Feet Under early in the week and finished S1 tonight. My god is it good TV. Even better is the fact that I've it mostly forgotten as it's been at least a decade since I saw it last. The story of the Fisher family. A family with an funeral home because and how they cope in the aftermath of the death of their patriarch in the opening minutes of the first episode. 

It's definitely one of the shows that shaped the way prestige TV is today but unlike most of them it's all about the human experience, from birth to death and everything in between. It's not heavy on shock or surprise and doesn't get it's kicks from sex and blood and guts and killing off the members of the main cast in shock moves designed to get people talking. One of the main joys of TV pre social media. 

Just watch the final scene of the last episode of the first season. A happy crowd getting together and having fun at a christening. No need for a cliffhanger or a final sting in the tale. Just joy. Of course being Six Feet Under there is a dead man watching from the stairs.



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