April 21, 2020

When this is all over

What's the first thing you'll do?

I can't wait to just linger in a shop again. Take my time and browse. Not worry about people close to me or not hold my breath passing by people. I realised i've been doing this a lot.

I can't wait to hug my parents. It's been way too long since I've seen them.

The thought of sitting in a pub with a pint and a bag of tayto's has become the stuff of dreams.

The idea of going into a restaurant and having food handed to me is fantasy.

Going to the local shop and buying one thing and not feeling guilty about it.

Sleeping in a different bed.

Seeing friends and loved ones in real life and not pixellated on whatsapp.

Getting to lie in the grass.

Getting to drive somewhere and not face questions at garda checkpoints.

Buying toilet paper and not feeling like a hoarding survivalist.

Nothing big, nothing fancy. Just the everyday stuff we've all taken for granted all our lives.

Stuff that's going to feel amazing when this is all over.

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