April 22, 2020

2020. A weird year for film fans

With the cinemas closed us film fans are champing at the bit for new movies. A couple of big releases like The Way Back and Vivarium got VOD releases but mostly the pickings are slim. Unless that is you're brave enough to delve into the DTV stuff that gets lashed out every week. DTV, direct to video, the films deemed not good enough for a cinema release, the films that couldn't be marketed to an audience, the films film studios are ashamed of. Every now and then you come across a gem but the vast majority of these releases are released that way for a reason. Because they are muck.

And oh my god have I watched a lot of muck lately. If you are one of the 4 people that follow this site you'll have noticed reviews have dried up lately. That's because everything I've seen in the past two weeks has been dreadful. Porno (which i actually reviewed like a fool), The Courier, Come To Daddy, The Postcard Killings, Ana. Films you mightn't have heard of an for good reason. Films released online under cover of Covid19. Films that will never be mentioned again. Films directors and actors will disown.

The good stuff is being held back understandably. VOD & DTV means easy piracy means feck all money. Some day they will see a cinema screen. Good jesus i hope it's soon. I know it won't and on the bigger scale of things its a very minor issue but a boy can dream sure.

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