May 17, 2021

An ol' fave

I came back to this old favourite tonight. A film I first watched when I was about 12 when it put a deep fear in me. Even the opening credits laid over a static shot of an old house were enough to induce dread. The story of a group of paranormal investigators visiting Hill House in the hope of finding something supernatural. Tonight was the first time I got to see it the way it was supposed to be seen. The version we had taped off TV was a cropped pan & scan copy, in sub standard definition and so dark you could barely make out certain scenes. Tonight's viewing was in the correct aspect ratio and full HD. It was a joy to behold. Shot compositions the way they were meant to be seen, those odd pans and camera tracks, lovely deep focus photography in all it's 2.35:1 glory and full of little details and 'did I or didn't I see something' shadows plastered all over the screen. 

A great way to fall for a film all over again.

Now to try to sleep.......

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