May 04, 2021

Netflix ist scheisse

I've just spent 30 minutes looking for something to watch on Netflix.

There's has to be a German word for that.

All that choice and fuck all there. It's a dreadful site. Someone on twitter was talking about Robocop tonight. That sounded like a great idea. One of the best films of the 80's full of gore and giggles. You can't go wrong. Did a search for it on Netflix. Nice one it's there. Press play. Instantly press stop. It's the godawful family friendly remake. Who on earth would want to watch that shite. And therein lies the problem with Netflix problem. It's full of trash no one wants to watch. Ask anyone about it and they'll always mention the scrolling, the endless scrolling, the fruitless search for something that catches your eye. On rare occasions something good pops up like Rocks but it never gets bigged up on the front page so the casual viewer never hears about it. It's buried away by the populist logarithm that only advertises the stuff that everyone is watching. The little known stuff is hard to find and because people don't like effort it stays hard to find. It's a shame. All the money this company makes and they never support the little guys.

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