September 20, 2021

1000's of free films

Any interest in giving yourself a free film education? 

Pop on over to the Internet Archive and fill your boots. 

If you're one of those goodie two shoes who thinks torrenting is naughty or who finds watching films on youtube morally dubious then this is the perfect spot for you. Everything here is public domain meaning they've fallen out of copyright and are free to be distributed online. It's a film lovers paradise. The quality isn't perfect but fuck it, you can't have it all.

Check out the Film Noir section for example. The Killers, Double Indemnity, DOA, Laura, The Hitch-Hiker, all just on the first page. Watch those 5 and you'll be able to bluff your way through any film conversation the next time you're in the pub.

Horror and comedy fans have a treasure trove awaiting them too.

What are you waiting for?? Go!!

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