May 20, 2017

Walking out of films

Went to see the new Guy Ritchie directed 'King Arthur' film yesterday. The film started at 2.10 and I was walking home by 3.10. It was dreadful. Like a DTV film you'd see on sale in Dealz for 1.50 but with a better cast. It pained me to leave but it would have pained me more to stay. I was checking the time 10 minutes in and tbh I'm amazed I stayed that long. Ugh. Plus I still have a headache from what I saw.

I hate leaving films. I always try to keep watching a bad film in the vain hope that they will get better or it will click with me. Plus it costs the bones of a tenner to see a film in the cinema so leaving is wasting money and I hate doing that. Plus it feels a bit disrespectful as silly as it sounds. A lot of time and effort goes into them and it feels wrong to not watch the whole thing. But sometimes a film is just so bad you have to.

I'm 38. I've been going to the cinema for 33 years and I've left a film exactly 4 times. That's how much I hate doing it. Two of the films I've walked out of are in the past year. Maybe its because I'm older and less tolerant of shite or maybe I just need to stop being sucked in by CGI heavy blockbusters who's troubled production history more or less guarantees the film will be atrocious. Probably the latter.

The 4 films

Stigmata. Piss of the highest order. Even Gabriel Byrne and Patricia Arquette couldn't save it. My abiding memory of the film is staring up at the dust floating in the light of the projector beam. The kind of film where you shout in anger at the screen.

Suicide Squad. I should have listened to my gut instinct. But I had a free ticket so said why not. Less than 30 minutes into the film I had a mad desire to repeatedly punch myself in the face as punishment for going to this. And I got sunburned walking in the Ennis road after I walked out to add insult to injury. Pure muck. And made worse by the talent involved. It could have been great fun but somehow they managed to make an absolute bollix of it.

The Matrix Revolutions. The Matrix came out when I was in college. It was amazing. Then the sequels arrived and it was intensely disappointing to see a franchise of films that could have been great crawl up their own arses. The second film was poor but the turd one (get it! Boom boom) was diabolical. Oh Jesus I just about lost the will to live during it. I left during the burly brawl aka the worst CGI ever and didnt look back. Muck.

King Arthur. Pffftt. Enough breath wasted on this.

Enough. I'm getting pissed off just writing this

What movies have you walked out of? 

1 comment:

Alan M said...

The Waterboy with Adam Sandler. Worst piece of crap I ever had the misfortune of seeing. Never looked back. Only time I did it