July 11, 2018

A perfect pairing of sound & vision. Snake in the Eagle's Shadow - Opening credits.

My all time favourite opening credit scene from 1978's Snake In The Eagle's Shadow. Just Chien Fu ( Jackie Chan ) doing his thing to a seriously 70's tune. Jackie is a human weapon and this scene shows off exactly the moves he's famous for. Complete with over exaggerated swooshing sound effects. The music is called Magic Fly and it's from a French electronica band called Space. Full song is here. I've a feeling they may have had an ever so slight influence on Daft Punk. It just compliments the onscreen action perfectly.

This is cheesy as fuck but it's just so cool and it gives you an idea of the fun you're in for when you watch this.. Plus listen for the sample of music near the end. Star Wars fans might find it slightly familiar.

Not only was John William's score ripped off though. The entire credit scene is a "homage" to an earlier film. The intro to 1973's Magnum Force. That funky 70's tune, the deep red background and the glorification of a weapon, this time not a human one. Gotta say I much prefer Jackie's moves. This one comes off like a gun fetish NRA porn clip.

Previous pairings

On Her Majesty's Secret Service
The Untouchables
Dazed And Confused  
Grosse Point Blank
Mean Streets
Watership Down
Jackie Brown
The Good, The Bad And The Ugly
The Omen
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
The Mission

Before Sunset
Carlito's Way
A Knight's Tale
Before Sunrise
An American Werewolf In London
Dazed And Confused
Boogie Nights
Raging Bull
Almost Famous
Once Upon A Time In The West

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