June 11, 2019

Dead Meat - The Irish film you need to see now.

Do you like Irish films? Of course you do. How could you not?? They've managed to perfect that blend of pathos and humour in a way that no one else can.

Do you like zombie films??  Do you enjoy the visceral thrill of gushing gore and crumbling decaying bone? The terror of that slow lumbering chase from an enemy that will never tire? The ultimate taboo of taking down what you once loved?

If you love both then, oh man, do I have a treat for you. A film that combines both.

Now I know what you're thinking. Ugh, another zombie film. G'way Ronan and don't be annoying me. But this has a hook, that something special and magical that the others don't.

 What is it you say?

 It's a zombie film....set....in.....Leitrim. LEITRIM. 

Imagine it. Struggling over rusty farm gates as you run for your life. Avoiding mud and nettles are much as you avoid undead teeth. Taking refuge in farm houses full of pictures of Padre Pio and Pope John Paul the 2nd. Battling the minions of evil in the middle of an OPW castle with assistance from the biggest rednecks in Ireland.

 No seriously. Come back.

Give it a go with some beer. It's a great way to spend 90 minutes. And you know what, it's not as bad as you think it's going to be either. It's atmospheric as hell, the camerawork is...err... kinda professional in places. Plus there's some decent crunch in here for the gorehounds.


As usual with a link a film on YouTube, watching it may be morally murky. A lil bit illegal. But zombies in Leitrim!

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