March 10, 2020

I'm a bit nervous

This Covid-19 business, I can't lie, it's leaving me unnerved. Before it was over there, it wasn't a tangible thing and now it's everywhere. It's slow but unstoppable approach, the slight edge of panic in the air, the unnerving sight of empty shelves in the local Tesco. End of day headlines blaring from the fronts of newspapers and news channels. All those apocalyptic disaster movies I wish I hadn't watched now. The insanely mixed messages flying at us from everywhere.





The absolute uselessness of our government with regard to spreading information. The cunts out there spreading fake news on whatsapp and facebook and whipping up fears. The callous scum suggesting that this virus killing off the elderly population mightn't be such a bad thing. The people telling everyone not to worry and ignoring the fact that most of us aren't worried about us but our immuno-compromised/elderly loved ones. The realisation that so many dirty bastards don't wash their hands. The clumsiness of being out in the world and trying not to touch anything. The hardship of trying not to touch your own face, something you do 100s of times a day without even realising it. The awkwardness of meeting people but not shaking their hand. Engrained behaviour that we all have to unlearn. Being told this will all blow over in a couple of months and then realising how long a couple of months is when you have to worry about everything. Do I need to stockpile? Will i be able to see my family? Will I run out of fucking bog roll????

Best part of it all - this could become the norm. We could be facing this everything winter/spring.


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