June 22, 2021

Fave film posters

 I love a good movie poster. They're my favourite kind of art. Better than any Rembrandt or Picasso.

For some reason most of my favourites come from the horror genre. I love the luridness of them. The promise of filth and horror that most of them never deliver. But they did a great job of luring an audience in and therefore did their job brilliantly. Gimme these big ol slabs of cheesiness over the boring modern day posters anytime. It's not all horror though, westerns and kung fu flicks make an appearance too. 

My favourite film poster ever. Just look at it. It's ridiculous. Cheesy gorgeousness. Promises all matter of naughtiness that the film never delivers but it sells the film perfectly.

I love this one. It's so ridiculous and nothing like the creature above appears in the film but since when did that ever matter.

The horrors and nightmarish imagery of the Great war captured in one simple illustration. Le magnifique.

My all time favourite horror film. It's a masterpiece and so is the poster. However if you watch the film expecting glowy eyed beasts and scenes set amongst New York skyscrapers you are going to be sorely disappointed. I love the red x rating too. Gives the film a touch of the forbidden.

Remember this one from VHS covers back in the 80's and 90's. So cheesy you can smell the camembert.

Gaudy, mad, bloody and over the top. A perfect description of the film too tbh.

Italian horror film posters were never shy and this is a great example. The film is awful but who cares.

The 36 Chambers Of Shaolin is one of the all time great martial arts films and so needs an all time great poster. You mightn't agree but it's just simple and perfect.

Another prime example of glorious Italian sleaze. All the guilty pleasures of the film crammed into a one sheet poster.

Love this one for it's nastiness and that tagline is just brilliant. "Unearthly lust" LOL.

Funny, silly, action packed, just like every Jackie Chan film made in China. The comical heads on Jackie, Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao make me laugh everytime.

This for Squirm gives a great idea of a the gooey and icky unpleasantness waiting for us inside the film. Plus its just lovely artwork.

The best Bond poster of all is one of the earliest ones. Sordid, sexy, dangerous, action packed. The way a Bond film should be.

I love the Beyond one for it's garish madness. And for once it's made up of actual scenes from the film. 

How goddamn cool is this Spanish poster for Abilene Town. Simple but dripping with Western atmosphere.

Real smell of hentai off this one, enough to give you a dose of the shudders. Just like the film. An excellent poster for an excellent film.

The Polish poster for El Dorado is just lovely. Nicely surreal and off kilter as vintage Polish film art tended to be. The Duke never looked funnier.

This eerie peach of a poster for another Italian horror from the master Mario Bava is a beaut. Just look at those eyes. This one goes for insane money on ebay.

Perfection. Michael Corleone all alone in an isolation of his own making. Moody as hell. Excellent stuff

And finally the 2 newest posters on the list. The first is for a film made in 1975 but the poster was only unveiled recently and I fell head over heels for it.

HOW GREAT IS THIS!!!! So cool and simple and scary. I loved the older famous poster but this is immense. 

And last but not least this one. For a western this time. Elegant and a lovely sepia tone and one I must own. Look at it, it's just gorgeous.

What's your favourite film poster?

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