January 19, 2022

And the film of the year goes to...

My most anticipated film of the year is coming out in just over two weeks time and to say I'm excited for it is a massive understatement.


I've managed to see every Jackass film in the cinema and each time left in pain from laughing at the absolute idiocy onscreen. The first one though. Nothing will top that one. Seeing it with friends who've since emigrated and others who've since passed away, I've great memories tied to it but the one that sticks with me was watching an elderly couple (70+) walking into the cinema and into their seats and we were watching them wondering had they wandered into the wrong screening? I was on edge waiting for them to freak out but it seems they knew exactly what they were doing and cried laughing along with the rest of us. Stupidity - suitable for all ages it seems. Speaking of age, look at the boys, a mess of gray hair and wrinkles but still not giving a single fuck. Genuinely something to aspire to. Especially now when there's no future for us.

This scene. If anything in the new film compares to this scene I'll be happy. Comic chaos soundtracked by The Ecstasy Of Gold. Just perfection.

If this doesn't make you laugh you're broken inside.

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