February 02, 2022

Brain Wipe

After looking for ages for something to watch this evening I stumbled across a DVD copy of Summer Of Sam that hadn't seen the light of day in about 15 years. Nice one. I'll pop in the PS4 and see how it's aged.

Sadly it's me that's aged. I couldn't remember a thing about the first hour or so of the film. Nothing. Yeah I recognised the actors playing the characters onscreen but none of it came back to me until that famous moment with Baby O'Reilly raged out over the speakers. Then everything fell into place. Not everything mind but enough to make me realise I hadn't started losing my mind. Yet.

It was kind of cool though, getting to experience a film anew and it got me wondering what other films I'd like to wipe from my mind to discover all over again. Imagine the joy of watching The Godfather or Some Like It Hot with no prior knowledge of what would happen. Seeing The Sixth Sense or Soylent Green or The Planet Of The Apes not knowing the glorious twists and turns ahead of you. Working your way through the filmography of Hitchcock and Scorsese and falling in love with everything you watch. IMAGINE GETTING TO SEE STAR WARS FOR THE FIRST TIME!! Or watching Jaws with no idea of coming. Falling in love with The Commitments as they do their thing or experiencing the adrenaline rush of Point Break or City Of God. 

There's too much to pick from. I can't do it. Can you?

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