October 30, 2018

Counting your blessings

I was on the 304 bus into town the other morning.

Cranky mood - check
Packed bus - check
Hint of BO in the air - check

A woman got on and sat a few seats in front of me and straight away she was talking on her phone. Loudly. You could feel the "FUCK SAKE" vibes coming off the people on board. But she sounded horribly stressed, roaring down the phone, the jist of it all being about schooling her 2 autistic kids. You'd feel bad for listening but it was impossible to avoid. She was like a demon. The mood on the bus changed from anger to pity in seconds. It was brutal.

Then it was over. The bus was silent. She realised we'd all been listening and she was mortified. Her head dropped and the woman next to her asked her was she ok. She burst out crying. A month's worth of stress must have poured out of her in a second. I'd say it had been an age since anyone asked her about her. It was the kind of moment that would make you realise how lucky you are. My own little problems paled in comparison. I cannot imagine being that stressed out that I'd cry in public. The pressure on her must be intense.

I hope she got everything sorted. Im glad that woman asked her was she ok too. It's something we should do more of.

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