November 25, 2021

Remembrances of things past

Remember that feeling when you were young and you were browsing Xtravision with your parents and they were trying to edge you towards the Disney section but your eyes kept straying to the action/thriller/horror section. That forbidden shelf full of films you'd never be allowed to rent out but those gaudy garnish video covers just seemed to be calling your name. Who cared about Ladies and Tramps when you could be watching the latest horror from Thorn EMI or the new Cannon Pictures ninja flick?

Today this film turned up on the torrent sites and instantly brought me back 30 years. The title didn't ring a bell but that artwork surely did. It frightened the life out of me as a child. As did so many others.

Her hair creeped young me out hugely.

A fine example of a film really not living up to it's cover

One of the most awesome horror films ever made.

Never saw this one. If it's half as scary as the cover though....

What more needs to be said.

Subversive, unnerving, hilariously odd. That's just the artwork. The film is even better.

This one is actually terrifying.

And fuck this one.

This is the film that gave #Beyondfriday it's name.

This artwork is so much better than the film.

An honest to god masterpiece

I saw this when I was around 13. Mindblown doesn't begin to describe it.

Looks awful but so much fun.

Simple but very creepy.

What ones scared you?

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