June 08, 2020

I've decided to win the Euromillions

It's happening. Tomorrow night. 40 million euros.

I've big plans for it. Anyone who says it's too much money just has no imagination.

First off, I'm making 10 people millionaires.

That leaves 30 million.

Now, I'm thinking I can buy a decent sized island for about 5 million. A lair if you will. No that sounds wrong, im not a Bond villain but i like the idea of an island getaway. Yes, that sounds friendlier than a lair.

Laser guns for defence would give the wrong impression because it's not a lair i want so those are out.

Sea mines?? A bit much??

Ok, no, thats crazy.

Specially trained dolphins it is. Dolphins trained to recognise family, friends and delivery people.

Ok, that leaves 20 million.

Swimming pool, with a permanent life guard of course cos I haven't swam in about 25 years.

The swimming pool would also have a bar so....maybe i could hire a bartender/lifeguard. #Smart

The home cinema is next. I wouldn't take the piss. Only a 50 ft screen. No point in being greedy.

Oh and a popcorn machine.

Most important of all, my lai.......haha it's not a lair, it's an island getaway. It will only have 1 spare bedroom so I only have to deal with one visitor at a time.

They would just interrupt my plans to take over the wor.........HAHAHA.....my plans to relax.

Ok, I've around 10 million left after my gaff is built.

I'm 41. I plan to live til around 90. 49 years. 49*365 = 17885.

I'm sure that 10 million could cover the price of Indian food being delivered 17885 times. Past the trained dolphins.

That's it. That's all I want. Like I said, I'm not greedy.

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