August 03, 2017

A perfect pairing of Sound & Vision part 4. Almost Famous.

Spoilers. Big ones.

A beautiful song in a beautiful scene in a beautiful film.

A teenager blags and bluffs his way into writing a story on a rock band for Rolling Stone magazine. He finds himself on tour with his heroes and it doesn't take long before he sees the darker side of touring and the effects it has on the people around him.

The band is split by ego and infighting. It all comes to a head after a concert and a drug soaked houseparty. The next morning everyone is feeling very sheepish and all it takes is a singsong to Elton John's 'Tiny Dancer' to heal the wounds.

A glorious use of a song and a brilliant example of the redemptive power of music

Previous Parts

Once Upon A Time In The West
Last Of The Mohicans

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