May 27, 2020

30 Day Film Challenge. Day 16

The Good, The Bad And The Ugly. I was 9 or 10 the first time I saw it. Way too young for course but my Nana didnt care about things like age certificates. Basically anything was grand as long as there was no sex in it. I was staying there one evening which I loved because I was let stay up late. There was a film on, was I interested in watching it? Of course I was. Did I want a turkish delight bar? Of course I did. The film kicked off with that memorable technicolor credit sequence and that brilliant Sergio Leone score. I was lost at first but then I recognised an actor. Where had I seen him before? Nana knew what I was thinking. "That's Clint Eastwood. He's Rowdy on Rawhide." Of course, I loved Rawhide. Watched it with her all the time. That, Bonanza, The High Chapparal and The Virginian. We loved them all. From that moment of recognition to the final gunshot that saves Tuco from the hangmans noose I was hooked. My love of the western genre was set in stone.

Thanks for letting me stay up late Nana.

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