May 19, 2020

30 Day Film Challenger. Day 10

Superman 2. Always. More streamlined than the first and with a brilliant bad guy in Terrence Stamp. Hearing his Cockney accent bursting through when Zod gets angry will never fails to make me laugh. The city thrashing climax is superb too and those old practical effects are still amazing. But its one scene that makes it for me. Superman has given up his powers so he can be with Lois and not kill her with a super shag. In a diner he defends her honour and gets a beating for his troubles from a bully. Its a moment that terrified me as a young lad. Seeing Superman bleed. This isnt supposed to happen. It's a brilliant though, almost tragic but a real glimpse of humanity that you rarely if ever get in modern day superhero films. Plus it tees up a later moment of satisfying justice. I love it.

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