May 12, 2020

30 Day Film Challenge. Day 4

Vaughn. Coburn. Dexter. Bronson. Buchholz. McQueen. Brynner. You'd have to live under a rock not to recognise those seven names. Seven actors who starred in a western that never gets old. Paint Your Wagon I think it's called. A magnificent film about seven hired hands who help the villagers of a remote Mexican village to fight back against the bandits stealing their food. The mainstay of holiday TV that you when you see it's on you have to watch the rest of it now matter how much or little is left. James Coburn's introduction and his skill with a knife and how little he needs to speak. Yul Brynner and Steve McQueen doing the right thing driving that carriage up to Boot Hill. Charles Bronson and the kids who swarm after him much to his annoyance. Calvera, the scumbag villain played by Eli Wallach who's the epitome of a boo hiss bad guy. The charming and funny training sequences. The early look at PTSD and trauma courtesy of Robert Vaughn's character at a time such things were never talked about. McQueen constantly fiddling with bits and pieces in an effort to upstage Brynner but never succeeding because Brynner was just too cool. Then final battle that turns everything up to 11, brutal in a way you'd never expect from a family favourite.

Ah man I love it.

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